Catfish's Transmogrifying Web Louou

I can't drink possible beers! I need ACTUAL beers!!! Damn you, quantum physics!!!

-Bob the Angry Flower

Every page on the net is "under construction". These pages are "under mutation"; they change every time they are visited, barring a few nescessary constants. If you're lazy enough to stay here fifteen minutes and your browser supports META tags, we'll reload the page for you.

Service offer: send me unsolicited, "bulk" (commercial or non) email, and I'll proof it for 50 dollars a line! See here for more info on my valuable offer!

If you want to be blackholed at the mail server, thou clouted guts-griping vassal, send mail to my old flame-bucket or to an old address. If you don't like something about these pages, or wish to correlate address scraping thou wayward hasty-witted fustilarian, send mail to my current flame-bucket. If you like something about these pages, send mail to web-comment where scraped appears in the mailto link.

Zither is a fun word: ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzithththththththter. Zither.

Well-known Crimson Fact Number 4:
He used to have a late-night radio show on WUVT in Blacksburg, Virginia. Unfortunately, it was on the AM side, not the FM station, but he subbed-in for FM folks from time to time.


Go check out Saki's World!

Want more spew? Let's watch some cartoons! Oh wait - now is time for the commercial interruption!

And as a parting shot, the Weekly World Spew's movie theatre coming attractions:

   Now Playing at the Tri-View Drive-In:

   You WON'T Want to Miss

  *** Annihilation of the Baffling Vivisectionists ***

   With Zippy the Wonder Zombie! Also

   *** Horrific Mummies from Antarctica ***

   Free Smelling Salts will be given to people whose
   names begin with Z!
